Our Nonprofit Community
Please scroll down to browse our projects, or click on an area of interest:
Arts & Culture - Cascadian artists spreading joy through art!
Community Connectedness - Inclusive Cascadia in action!
Education - Learning for Cascadian adults and youth.
Health & Wellness - For the healthiest Cascadia and beyond!
Stewardship - Actively caring for our bioregion and beyond.
Bioregionalism - Celebrating Cascadia!
Our Vision: Positive, place based action for an inclusive and unified Pacific Northwest with a recognizable culture of bioregional sustainability.
Our Mission: To cultivate a resilient and inclusive Pacific Northwest community.
Our Mechanism: We are a philanthropic incubator for grassroots, community centered projects. We provide tools, guidance and services so that all Cascadians can develop and deliver solutions that meet the needs of their communities at all scales.
Arts & Culture
Helping women struggling with homelessness through interior design, because four walls alone do not make a home.
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The Sign Sign Mural Project envisions a world that is better for everyone, all while being more accessible for those who are deaf and/or have other disabilities
Instagram | Make a Gift to This Project
Community Connectedness
Helen House gives power to, and validates, LGBTQ+ youth and young adults ages 13 to 24, fostering self-exploration, self-expression, and self-acceptance.
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Creating large-scale, fully inclusive, participatory ecosystems of practical projects and activities.
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Providing opportunities to support young entrepreneurs and enrich our community.
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Health & Wellness
Supporting food sovereignty in the Cascadia Bioregion by growing, packaging, and distributing organic, open pollinated seed at no charge to increase food access and biodiversity.
Website | Make a Gift to This Project
Cascadia Climate Action facilitates public awareness, involvement, and engagement on climate change issues by providing easily accessible tools and information in support of efficient, effective climate action.
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Friends of Rocky Top is a group of neighbors and concerned citizens seeking to protect the land, air, and water resources around the Rocky Top area from further environmental degradation.
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Developing a comprehensive, easy-to-use and free, web-based resource for both learning about and taking action regarding what is the most severe problem that humans have ever faced – our rapidly deteriorating environment.
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Continuing education using the combined methods of service and long-distance online learning to help communities save their cultural resources.
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Projects CN! Proudly Helped Become Independent 501(c)3 Nonprofits:
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