Our Nonprofit Community

Please scroll down to browse our projects, or click on an area of interest:

Arts & Culture - Cascadian artists spreading joy through art!

Community Connectedness - Inclusive Cascadia in action!

Education - Learning for Cascadian adults and youth.

Health & Wellness - For the healthiest Cascadia and beyond!

Stewardship - Actively caring for our bioregion and beyond.

Bioregionalism - Celebrating Cascadia!

Our Vision: Positive, place based action for an inclusive and unified Pacific Northwest with a recognizable culture of bioregional sustainability.

Our Mission: To cultivate a resilient and inclusive Pacific Northwest community.

Our Mechanism: We are a philanthropic incubator for grassroots, community centered projects. We provide tools, guidance and services so that all Cascadians can develop and deliver solutions that meet the needs of their communities at all scales.

Arts & Culture


Community Connectedness



Interested in becoming a CN! project? Contact us today!

Health & Wellness





Other Projects We Love

Previous CascadiaNow! Projects

Projects CN! Proudly Helped Become Independent 501(c)3 Nonprofits:

Other Past Projects: