We are now accepting applications for fiscal sponsorship.
We do not have an online application. We prefer chatting with you! Please contact us to learn more.
Get support and resources for your awesome project.
CascadiaNow! is dedicated to amplifying positive impacts across the bioregion of Cascadia. CascadiaStrong is the fiscal sponsorship program CascadiaNow! provides, which offers resources and administrative assistance to grassroots projects that share our mission to cultivate a resilient and inclusive Pacific Northwest community.
Benefits of CascadiaStrong
501(c)(3) tax status to help grow your resources
An administrative structure for keeping the books & hiring staff/payroll - we do all tax reporting for your project
Fundraising and grant research/application coaching, as well as access to grant databases
Customized one-time and recurring donation forms and donor tracking and opportunities to use any fundraising platform you see fit
Support for strategic planning, publicity, event coordination, volunteer recruitment, and eventual transition to an independent 501(c)(3)
Regular learning and networking opportunities with other project and community leaders
Visibility to CN! audience, including a customized page on our website
Access to Google for Nonprofits Workspace tools
General Liability Insurance as well as possibilities for fulfilling additional insurance needs
Friendly, personal service from all CN! staff to aid your project’s success
What is fiscal sponsorship?
Fiscal sponsorship is a relationship between a project and a sponsoring organization. The project leaders retain creative control of the project according to agreed upon 501(c)(3) activities and outcomes while the sponsoring organization adopts the project as its own program. The project then becomes the legal responsibility of the sponsor and has no separate legal existence. Projects should have a written agreement with their fiscal sponsor (we have a Memo of Understanding - contact us for a sample version!) as trusting your project to your fiscal sponsor is very important. We recommend asking potential fiscal sponsors for references - we are very proud of our references and are happy to share them upon request!
What is the cost of fiscal sponsorship?
CascadiaNow! provides a model called 'comprehensive fiscal sponsorship' and asks for a flat administrative fee of 13-15% of revenues. There is no application fee. You do not need a minimum fund balance nor do you have any fundraising requirements.
Why should I consider fiscal sponsorship for my project?
Fiscal sponsorship is often beneficial to projects that have plans for near-term growth but lack the resources to achieve this growth independently. Maybe you want to grow your publicity reach and get more attendees at your events. Perhaps you have big programming goals that need a larger budget. Or maybe you just want to streamline your activities and workflows to get the most out of your time and effort. Fiscal sponsorship is also a great way to obtain 501(c)(3) status for your educational and charitable activities without the burden of applying and reporting to the IRS.
Is fiscal sponsorship the same as financial sponsorship?
No. Fiscal sponsorship does not necessarily imply financial support. All CascadiaStrong projects must be willing to fundraise or otherwise generate revenues to support their budget/project programming. CascadiaNow! staff is available for fundraising coaching and support!
See our current fiscally sponsored projects at https://www.cascadianow.org/project/