Cascadia Stack

Cascadia Stack is Building Resilience Now so that the Next Generation is Prepared.

Stack offers peer support gatherings and workshops designed to inform and uplift with wo programs: Climate Emotions Circle PNW and CLIMA-sphere.

Stack addresses climate anxiety, focusing on people concerned about the changing climate. Uniting all based on the shared love of the land, our 60-minute meetings, online, in-person, and occasionally hybrid. Mostly based In Portland, OR, Stack is always here to host and train others in Cascadia to offer Climate Circles in their community.

This project is an emotional support beacon within the community. We hold our events in “pop-up” locations. Climate Circles occur 3 times each month. Subscribe to our mailing list for the next meeting announcement!

We are seeking more Circle facilitators and actively seeking Cascadians for our Winter Volunteer Drive. This is mostly remote.

Upcoming Events

  • Also known as Climate Cafe, our facilitators come from many training avenues. Each Circle is different. We have three formats: CLASSIC, TOPICS, and EXPERIENCES. Find our complete calendar with all the details at Free, with a suggested donation. Find out more here.

  • Monthly networking chats. Informal, the third Thursday each month. Drop in anytime your schedule allows, noon or 7pm. All climate communicators in Cascadia are invited. Share your challenges, best advice, and ask questions from others about their audiences..

  • We are occasionally out in the community tabling or roaming to represent climate mindfulness. Check our “Community” page on our website.

The Cascadia flag as background in lighter colors, with an illustrated Doug Fir tree inside of an outline of an hourglass, symbolizing that time is running out for broad political and systemic changes to avoid the worse-case scenarios for a climate impacted planet.

Project Mission

Our mission is to enhance personal climate resilience skills for climate sensitive people in the Pacific Northwest to mindfully prepare themselves and their community to adapt and thrive while witnessing the effects of the changing climate.

Project Vision

We envision neighborhood-level support group gatherings, normalizing self-care, throughout the Cascadia bioregion. This will be accomplished through a training program so that we can build the relationships with CBO's and coordinate the program to train youth, elders, disabled, LGBTQ, BIPOC, and neurodiverse laypersons to hold Circles in their community and workplaces.

Project Values

Towards the ideals listed as our JEDI Values, we strive to:

‘Seeing’ others.

Envisioning a living economy.

Accepting criticism, inviting conversation.

Supporting a just transition to resilient and intentional communities.

Encouraging those that confess to still learning.

Humility. The Golden Rule. 

Reducing stigma.

Reducing consumption.

Centering multicultural communities.

Acknowledging harms of colonial systems and injustices.


Cascadia Stack’s motto is Climate Mindfulness. Our Project Leader and four core volunteers believe in these values. This project is working towards three Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations). We support others doing this work too!

#3 Good Health and Well-Being
#11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Contact us to let us know if you would like to volunteer directly with this project. All gifts are tax deductible.

Cascadia Stack Project Leader

Drew Alcoser (they/them)

Personal LINKEDIN:

As a ‘mature student’, Drew G. Alcoser received their undergrad degree in 2021 from Colorado State University in Organizational Leadership with a fundraising focus; in April ‘23, Drew completed a grad certificate from Portland State University in Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Drew’s capstone research was for Multicultural Communication in Emergency Management in the Portland Metro. Drew’s college path has focused on climate change adaptation and social justice, at the intersection of social change theory.