GEPREP — CascadiaNow!

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The Global Environment Protection and Restoration Education Project (GEPREP)

GEPREP is designed to be useful for people with all levels of knowledge about environmental issues, including absolute beginners – and even for those who still are not convinced that there really is an environmental crisis. This project is filling a major gap in environmental education by providing a comprehensive, easy-to-use, and completely free, web-based resource to help individuals, businesses, governments and other organizations worldwide to better understand and to make more informed decisions about how to respond to the increasingly severe and potentially catastrophic environmental situation.

GEPREP was conceived in late 2021 in response to

  1. the accelerating deterioration of the earth's natural environment

  2. realization of the fact that most of the measures being taken to date are far from sufficient, and perhaps even counterproductive in some cases

  3. The observation that much of the public is still poorly informed about the seriousness of the environmental situation and about what can and should be done about it

  4. the realization that the very successful Linux Information Project could serve as an effective model for a new, web-based resource to helpovercome this information gap.

In response, a 'beta' version of the new website,, was launched in July 2023 with an initial approximately two hundred pages of English language content for testing and evaluation purposes. Although far from complete, this site has received very favorable comments from people queried. We hope you’ll check it out and help GEPREP grow!

Contact us to let us know if you would like to volunteer directly with this project. All gifts are tax deductible.