Friends of Morris Creek

Friends of Morris Creek is a group of neighbors seeking to better coordinate and execute stewardship of the natural areas on their properties and in their neighborhood. Individuals and families that may have lived on the creek bank for generations, or moved to the neighborhood recently, have, at some point, struggled to control the rampant noxious weed situation, combat drastic erosion issues, or have simply wanted to enhance the natural beauty of the neighborhood they live in. Having spent years discussing various individual projects, Friends of Morris Creek will coordinate neighbors working together for a more structured and informed approach to watershed restoration and protection work. 

Building upon a tradition of stewardship and community in and around Morris Creek, Friends of Morris Creek will get neighbors together to exchange resources, learn from each other, and find access to knowledge that’s more readily available to established groups than individuals. 

Contact us to let us know if you would like to volunteer directly with this project. All gifts are tax deductible.