Guiding Values
CascadiaNow! (CN!) is dedicated to cultivating a resilient and inclusive Pacific Northwest community. To that end, CN! values and promotes the following:
● A shared sense of connectedness among the many diverse inhabitants of Cascadia.
● A socially beneficial Cascadian economy that favors local goods and services.
● Accessible, community-based approaches to learning and skills sharing.
● An ethic of harmonious living among all Cascadia's humans, flora, and fauna.
Our Mission
is to cultivate a resilient and inclusive Pacific Northwest community.
Our Vision
Positive, place based action for an inclusive and unified Pacific Northwest with a recognizable culture of bioregional sustainability.
Our Mechanism
We are a philanthropic incubator for grassroots, community centered projects. We provide tools, guidance and services so that all Cascadians can develop and deliver solutions that meet the needs of their communities at all scales.