
Become a Founding Member of CascadiaNow!

We’re an official 501(c)3 non-profit, we’ve hit 10k followers on Facebook, and now it’s time to kick off our first ever Founding Membership drive on Indiegogo!

By signing up for one of our seven tiered membership packages, you will join the inaugural ranks of Cascadians working to build a brighter future for our bioregion. In addition to limited edition Founder’s swag, you will receive a 10% discount at the CN! online store as well as discounts on events like Rainingman.

Founding membership is special, and we want to thank all of our supporters who have stuck with us since the beginning in a special way. At our various levels you will find: Founding member patches, t-shirts, hoodies, short run stickers, Cascadia bioregion maps, postcards, flags, the first ever run of minted, pure silver Cascadia coins, as well as the ability to sponsor murals, which will be done commemoratively, with your input.

All donations made through our Founding Membership Campaign will be used to grow bioregional projects and connect with more Cascadians. We have official chapters of CascadiaNow! in Seattle, Portland and Vancouver BC, and will use these funds to encourage the creation of new chapters throughout the bioregion.

We want to kick off our membership drive right, and we chose to use Indiegogo because it allows our supporters the chance to help build an awesome organization from the roots up at a price that is right for each individual. You can sign up as a Founding member by following this link!