brandon letsinger

CascadiaNow! A Non-Profit in 2014

CascadiaNow! A Non-Profit in 2014

In 2014, we are excited to announce that we will be taking our organization to the next level by becoming an official 501c3 non-profit organization. Our sole mission will be to empower all forms of Cascadia organizing. To start, this will largely be through fiscal sponsorship for chapters, groups, projects and events, to continue to serve as a focal point for organizing, and building community partnerships. In the future, if we are successful, we will expand to providing grantwriting, fundraising, graphic design, marketing, accounting and financial services - basically all the back office services that every group needs, but few actually have - so that groups and projects have the tools they need to focus on what they feel is important.

Click to read the blog post for full details.